


ENGLISH MASS TIMES BARLING: Saturday 6pm, Sunday 10 AM., Thursday 12pm & Friday 8am.

VIETNAMESE MASS TIMES BARLING: Sunday 8 AM and Noon. Daily Mass: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm. (Adoration Fridays at 6:30-7:00 pm). First Saturday of the Month at 7:30 am

ENGLISH/VIETNAMESE: Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm

STS. SABINA & MARY, JENNY LIND: Saturday 4:00 pm & Wednesday 5:30pm


Sacred Heart of Mary -English Confessions: Wednesdays 5-5:25 pm, Saturday 5:30-5;55pm and Sunday 9:30-9:55am. Or by appointment: Call 479-452-1795 to leave a message for Fr. Matt or email mgarrison@shmbarling.org.

Vietnamese Confessions are before weekday Mass, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 6:30-6:55pm. Or by appointment. Call 479-452-1795 to leave a message for Fr. Tuyen or email at tdo@shmbarling.org

Sts. Sabina & Mary: Wednesday 5-5:25pm and Saturday 3:00-3:55pm. Or by appointment: Call 479-452-1795 to leave a message for Fr. Matt or email mgarrison@shmbarling.org.


MASS INTENTIONS - $10 per Mass intention; 3-4 months waiting for English, and 1-2 months for Vietnamese. Please mail Mass intentions to the attention of Janice, with a check for the amount of intentions. Make checks payable to SHM. Include a list of intentions indicating if for living or deceased. example: Deceased NAME by NAME (individual or family) or for living - Welfare of NAME by NAME (Individual or Family etc).
MASS INTENTIONS. $10 một Lễ. Lễ tiếng Anh đợi 4-5 tháng, Lễ tiếng Việt đợi ít nhất 1 tháng. Xin gửi "ý lễ" cho Janice tại nhà xứ, kèm theo check. Chỗ "pay to order" trên check xin đề SHM. Xin viết rõ trong ý lễ cho ai, còn sống hay đã qua đời.

KEY: SSM=Sts. Sabina & Mary, E=English Barling, V=Vietnamese/Barling


Sat, Mar 22            4:00 pm      E       All Parishioners & Visiting Worshipers

                               6:00 pm      E       Dec.Jim Strobel by Jack and Jeanne Madden 

Sun, Mar 23           8:00 am      V       Xin cầu cho Vincente Chinh

                             10:00 am      E       Dec. Tony Kiene by the Seibold Family

        12:00 pm      V       Xin cầu cho Anna Thận

Mon Mar 24       No Mass

Tue, Mar 25                                        Dec. Elizabeth Markarski by Priest Friend                                  

                               7:00 pm      V        NO MASS                                                 

Wed, Mar 26         5:30 pm   SHM    Holy Souls in Purgatory by Van Tran Family

          5:30 pm   SSM    Repose of the soul of Beverly Shipman 

                                       by Mary Uselton

Thu, Mar 27            Noon       E       Dec Mike Southern by Rebecca Southern                                                                                                        

           7:00 pm      V      Cầu cho LH Maria & Giuse và các LH Gioankim, 

      Carola, Giuse và Anna                                             

Fri, Mar 28              8:00 am     E  Dec. Mike Seibold by the Seibold Family                                         

                               7:00 pm      V Xin cầu cho LH Anna Maria

Sat, Mar 29            4:00 pm      E       Dec. Bill Curry by Ron and Linda Bordeaux

                               6:00 pm      E       Dec. Tony Kiene by Jack and Jeanne Madden 

Sun, Mar 30           8:00 am      V       All Parishioners & Visiting Worshipers

                             10:00 am      E       Dec. Jim Strobel by Kenneth Siebenmorgen       

        12:00 pm      V       Xin tạ ơn Chúa và xin cầu ơn bình

                                       an và khỏe mạnh

Homebound Mass:

The livestream of Mass from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is available at this link.

The readings are available on USCCB (click here) and EWTN (click here) websites.

Link to article, “Spiritual communion available when unable to receive Eucharist” by Abbot Jerome Kodell, OSB.


“My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire you with all my heart. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, I ask you to come spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already in my heart and unite myself to you completely. Please do not let me ever by separated from you.” — St. Alphonsus Liguori

Based in Barling, AR, Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church is dedicated to giving you a place where you can belong; a place for faith, family, prayer, tradition, worship, and you. 


Welcome to the Sacred Heart of Mary webpage. It is our sincere hope that you will find all the information you need to make you feel welcome, and to help you become more involved in YOUR parish! We are a small but vibrant parish, celebrating many cultures, particularly a large Vietnamese community. Come celebrate our diversity, and our oneness in Christ! If we can further assist you, please use the connect link to get in touch with the appropriate person.


Fr. Matt Garrison

Pastor, Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church


To get to Sacred Heart of Mary drive east on Zero Street until it becomes church street, and it will be on your right just before the train tracks OR drive west on highway 255 until it forks, turn left onto church street, drive a half mile, and it will be on your left just after the train tracks.


The roots of Sacred Heart Of Mary can be traced back to the 1850’s where its community was comprised of German immigrants. After fleeing from their homeland because of oppression from the Prussians, they settled in the colony of Springhill. The city would later become Barling. Though there are no known records of when the church officially became Sacred Heart of Mary older parishioners claim that its name has always been Sacred Heart of Mary. 

Sacred Heart’s first church was a barn built around 1900. Fast forward almost 80 years, and our present building was completed in February of 1979. In addition to Sacred Heart’s main building, a parish center was constructed containing classrooms, a kitchen, and an apartment for the pastor (which would later become the parish office).


Sacred Heart of Mary Cemetery

St. Mary's Cemetery, as some call it, is located on Roberts Blvd. east of I-549 on lands that previously belonged to the US Government at Fort Chaffee, AR.  This is a private burial ground for Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church of Barling, AR, established under the St. Benedictine Order in about 1902.  Two acres of land was originally donated by the Weindel family for a church and cemetery.  In 1904 the church building was moved to the present location and the burial ground remained in its original location.  The church retains the right to sell the cemetery lots and approve the individual's right of burial in this sacred ground.

Please contact Rodney Riser at 479-452-1795 Ext. 105 for availability.  Cost for a section with 2 plots is $1000 and $500 for cremation plots.

The Diocesan Safe Evnironment Statement:

ENGLISH: The Diocese of Little Rock is Committed to protecting children and young people.  If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by clerics, church volunteers or Church workers, please contact the State of Arkansas Hotline for Crimes Against Children at 1-800-482-5964 and the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs, Dcn. Matthew A. Glover at 501-664-0340 ext. 361.  For pastoral assistance please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of Little Rock: Laura Gottsponer 501-664-0340 ext. 425.  Diocese of Little Rock, 2500 N. Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR  72207.

VIETNAMESE Giáo phận Little Rock quyết tâm bảo vệ trẻ em và thiếu niên. Nếu ai biết có trẻ nào bị xâm phạm bởi linh mục, tình nguyện viên hay nhân viên giáo xứ xin báo ngay cho Ông Chưởng Ấn,  Giáo luật Vụ (Chancellor for canonical afairs)-- Deacon (Phó tế) Matthew Glover, điện thoại số 501.6646340 extension số 361. Để được hỗ trợ mục vụ, vui lòng liên hệ Điều phối viên Hỗ trợ Nạn nhân cho Giáo phận Little Rock: Laura Gottsponer 501-664-0340 ext. 425. Giáo phận Little Rock, 2500 N. Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.

SPANISH:  Si usted esta enterado de algun abuso o ha sido abusado por clerigos, voluntaries o funcionarios de la Inglesia, por favor comuniquese a la: Línea de Ayuda del Estado de Arkansas para Crimenes contra niños al: 800-482-5964
Canciller para Asuntos Canónicos: Diácono Matthew A. Glover, 501-664-0340, ext. 361, Para asistencia pastoral, por favor comuníquese con los: Coordinadores de Asistencia para Víctimas de la Diócesis de Little Rock: Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, 501-664-0340, ext. 425.


(479) 452-1795


1301 Frank St.
Barling, AR 72923


Office Hours
Tu 10p–5p
Wed- Thur 9a–3p