CTK Trivia Night is just around the corner! Join us for a fun-filled evening of laughter, fellowship, and some friendly competition, all brought to you by the Holy Name Society from Christ the King Church. They will have various games, door prizes, and a raffle to keep the excitement going! Feel free to bring along your own snacks and beverages (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are welcome). We invite all families to come! Don't forget to spread the word and invite your friends and family for a fantastic night of trivia fun! Link to Register->

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage

Arkansas Catholic is traveling to Italy October 28-November 8 for the Holy Year and we want you to join us. Father Brian Cundall, pastor of Christ the King Church in Fort Smith, will be the spiritual director for this tour. You can experience Florence and Siena on All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, plus stops in Milan, Turin, Orvieto and Montecassino. Pilgrims will have four days in Rome and walk through the Holy Doors.
An informational meeting will be held Sunday, February 16 at 3 p.m. at Christ the King Church Parish Hall in Fort Smith. RSVP at If you have any questions, contact Kathy Primm at Sue Smith Vacations at or 501-771-0987.795

The St. Anne’s Society is a partnership of churches in Sebastian County working with each other to assist the poor and  homeless in our area. Want to support St. Anne’s Society? Play Bingo! - Join us for some BINGO on Monday Nights in the Parish Center! Doors open at 6:30 and  Bingo starts at 7:00 pm. For $15 you can play 17 games with bonus games that can pay up to $500.


Letter from Bishop Taylor:

Jubilee year 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

"Dear People of the Diocese of Little Rock,

"I am delighted to share that Pope Francis will officially open the holy door at  St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on Dec. 24, 2024, marking the start of the Ordinary Jubilee Year of 2025. This jubilee, centered on the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope,' will be a year dedicated to fostering hope within our hearts and communities, concluding on Jan. 6, 2026.

"In a special decree issued on May 14, 2024, the Apostolic Penitentiary authorized diocesan bishops to designate churches within their dioceses as pilgrimage sites for the jubilee year, allowing the faithful — especially those unable to travel to Rome — to obtain the jubilee indulgence. In keeping with these instructions from the Holy See, I am pleased to announce the jubilee churches in our Diocese of Little Rock:

"I warmly encourage each of you to embark on a pilgrimage to one of these jubilee churches. Let this journey be an opportunity to encounter God’s abundant mercy and become true agents of hope in our world.

"Sincerely in Christ,
+Anthony B. Taylor
Bishop of Little Rock"

Learn more at:

Mass for Life: On January 19, 2025 Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will preside at the annual diocesan Mass for Life at noon at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, 617 Louisiana St., Little Rock. Before Mass, beginning at 11:20 a.m., there will be a Rosary for Life and a time of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is invited. Please join in our prayers for the legal protection of unborn children and for an end to the grave evil of abortion. After Mass, a grab-and-go lunch will be provided to make it easier for everyone to attend Arkansas Right to Life's annual March for Life which begins at 2:00 p.m

Symposium on the Dangers of Human Trafficking and Pornography in Arkansas to be held at Christ the King Church in Little Rock from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. on January 25, 2025. For additional information on the symposium and the Diocesan Task Force Against Human Trafficking and Pornography, please visit,

All women are invited to attend Women of Hope, a Day of Retreat to be held on Saturday February 1, 2025, at Christ the King Church in Little Rock. This diocesan event is an opportunity for women to set aside the outside world and enter into a personal experience with Jesus. For registration and retreat details including the Bonus night of Reflection, visit our website at

The Arkansas Catholic Men’s Conference (ACMC), the annual men’s conference held in the Diocese of Little Rock, will be held Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, at Christ the King Catholic Church in Little Rock. It was founded in 2010 and has featured speakers who impact men’s lives with their passion for Christ and His Church. To register for free, visit

One Church: Unite Arkansas in Faith & Mission—2024-25 Partner: Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Lincoln The Holy Spirit is moving in the Diocese of Little Rock. As a Catholic community, we are called to help mission and rural churches where we can give a one-time financial boost to complete a much needed project. All of us joining together as One Church can have a lasting impact on a small congregation. From September 2024 to August 2025, let’s help Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Lincoln move from a converted storefront to their own larger church building. Please pray for this project and give today. To give or for more one-church.

PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL: New Adorers and Substitutes are always needed. For available hours, please call one of the coordinators: Laurie Hindman  479-629-4175 or Roxana Devora (Spanish)  479-926-3191 for more information. Please remember, due to allergies, fresh flowers are not allowed in the chapel. 

ATTENTION LADIES!!! CHECK OUT NCCW!!! The National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) West River Valley Deanery mission is to help women grow closer to Christ through faith, fellowship, and service. All women in the Deanery and surrounding area are considered members of the Council. . If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline Phillips 479-651-3647.

I.C. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP…It hurts to lose a loved one, but connecting with others can help. The newly formed grief support group at Immaculate Conception Church, Fort Smith, is designed to provide a confidential, safe, and supportive environment for individuals who are grieving. We invite you to join us regardless of how long ago your loss occurred. Grief group meetings are the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30pm-8:30pm in the St. Anne’s Building 2nd floor. For more information, please contact the I.C. church office at 479-783-7963.

 "Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you — for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart ..." — St. Therese of Lisieux

PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL IS OPEN 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Divine Mercy Chapel is located on west side of the St. Boniface Church office at 1820 North B. St., Ft. Smith, AR.  The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.  For more than 20 years, Fort Smith has been blessed with Perpetual Adoration in the Divine Mercy Chapel at St. Boniface.  Please consider spending an hour once a week with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  It is a peaceful place to pray, reflect, and receive God’s graces.  New adorers are always welcome!. Substitutes may sign up for daytime hours, evening hours, or overnight hours. Please call a coordinator for more information. Please remember, due to allergies, fresh flowers are not allowed in the chapel. Thank you. Coordinators: Laurie Hindman  479-629-4175, Bernice Wallace 479-806-6053 or Roxana Devora (Spanish)  479-926-3191.  

CHAPEL PERPETUAL ADORATION ĐANG MỞ CỬA! Chủ Nhật lúc 4 giờ sáng và Thứ Năm lúc 10 giờ sáng. Thánh Thể là nguồn mạch và tột đỉnh của đời sống Kitô hữu. Trong hơn 20 năm, Fort Smith đã được ban phép Chầu Thánh Thể vĩnh viễn trong Nhà nguyện Lòng Chúa Thương Xót ở St. Boniface. Xin hãy cân nhắc dành một giờ mỗi tuần một lần với Chúa Giêsu trong Bí Tích Thánh Thể. Đó là một nơi yên bình để cầu nguyện, suy tư và đón nhận ân sủng của Thiên Chúa. Những người hâm mộ mới luôn được chào đón và có nhiều giờ. Vui lòng gọi cho một điều phối viên để sắp xếp giờ thánh của bạn với Chúa Giêsu. Bạn cũng có thể coi việc giúp đỡ như một sự thay thế. Laurie Hindman  479-629-4175, Roxana Devora (tiếng Tây Ban Nha)  479-926-3191, Bernice Wallace 479-806-6053.

HEART TO HEART Pregnancy and Family Care Center:  Heart to Heart takes great pride in their loving approach in helping clients who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy.  H2H needs your continued love, support and prayers for the work they do in our community.  Some of the programs and services offered are: Free pregnancy tests, Medical, Adoption, Housing Assistance Referrals, Baby/maternity items, Confidential pro-life counseling, Life Coaching services, Job Coaching and “Earn While You Learn” Parenting Classes, “24/7 Dad” Men’s Mentoring, and Post abortion trauma programs. New Service:  Heart to Heart now offers free ultrasounds once client eligibility is met. Call Lauren Loum @479-434-2365 or E-mail us at for details or to be a sponsor. 

Trung tâm chăm sóc bà bầu và gia đình HEART TO HEART:  Heart to Heart rất tự hào về cách tiếp cận yêu thương của họ trong việc giúp đỡ những khách hàng đang phải đối mặt với việc mang thai ngoài ý muốn. H2H cần bạn tiếp tục yêu thương, ủng hộ và cầu nguyện cho công việc họ làm trong cộng đồng của chúng ta. Một số chương trình và dịch vụ được cung cấp là: Xét nghiệm mang thai miễn phí, Y tế, Nhận con nuôi, Giới thiệu Hỗ trợ Nhà ở, Vật dụng dành cho trẻ sơ sinh/sản phụ, Tư vấn bí mật về cuộc sống, Dịch vụ Huấn luyện Cuộc sống, Huấn luyện Việc làm và Lớp học Nuôi dạy Con cái “Kiếm tiền Trong khi Học”, “24 /7 Dad” Men's Mentoring, và các chương trình chấn thương sau phá thai. Dịch vụ mới:  Heart to Heart hiện cung cấp dịch vụ siêu âm miễn phí sau khi khách hàng đáp ứng đủ điều kiện. Gọi cho Lauren Loum @ 479-434-2365 hoặc gửi email cho chúng tôi theo địa chỉ để biết chi tiết hoặc để trở thành nhà tài trợ.

St. Anne's Society: As we serve our neighbors in need we find ourselves short of supplies. Please help us with our wish list: Toothbrushes, Shampoo, Clothes detergent, Toilet paper, Women’s hygiene products, Deodorant (Men’s and Women’s), and hand sanitizer. Please no bar soap (the have plenty at this time). Thank you for your support. Items may be dropped off at Immaculate Conception Church office.
St Anne's Society:Xin quý giáo hữu giúp đỡ cho người nghèo: Kem đánh răng, thuốc gội đầu, thuốc giặt đồ, giấy đi cầu, băng vệ sinh, thuốc xịt thơm chống mùi hôi cơ thể, thuốc sát trùng tay. Xin mang những đồ dùng này tới nhà thờ Đức Mẹ Vô Nhiễm nguyên tội (Immaculate conception)ở đường Garisson downtown.


Diocese of Little Rock

Physical Address: 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565

Phone: (501) 664-0340


Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Bishop Anthony Basil Taylor was ordained and installed as the seventh bishop for the Diocese of Little Rock on June 5, 2008 at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

Arkansas Catholic Newspaper: or (501) 664-0125

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