Adult Faith Formation - Dinner & grow your Catholic Education!
Topic: Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing
Topic: Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing
Morality: Preparing for Penance.
Moral decision making
The Ten Commandments
Loving God
Love of Neighbor
Commandments 4-10
Triduum and Holy Week Discussion
Easter Vigil
Sharing of Easter experiences
Ministries within our Church
Catholic Social Teachings
Our call to holiness
Our call to evangelize
Ash Wednesday!
Will attend mass together and receive ashes
Volunteer with SHM at Hope Campus
Season of Lent / Prayer ; Fasting; Almsgiving
Sacrament’s of Holy Orders / Marriage
Eucharistic Adoration as a class
The Eucharist
Baptism & Confirmation
Overview of the Sacraments
Life of Grace
Prayer / The Rosary
Advent / Rites - what are they?
Rite of Entrance
Mary & The Communion of Saints
The Creed
Holy Days / What are they? / What are the church “ seasons”?
The Mass - liturgy /priestly vestments
Video: “ The Veil Removed”
The Church / Pope
God the Holy Spirit
God the son/ true God/ true man
Jesus in Scripture /New Testament
God the Father /Trinity
The Old Testament
The Catholic Bible
Creation, original sin, covenant/ God’s plan for His people
Divine Revelation
What is Faith?
Welcome. What is the reason for our hope?